Small Skipper Thymelicus sylvestris

Male. (The thin dark line in the centre of the forewing distinguishes the sexes)
Male. (The thin dark line in the centre of the forewing distinguishes the sexes)
Female. (No dark line in centre of forewing).
Female. (No dark line in centre of forewing).
A mating pair.
A mating pair.
Female laying into a grass stem.
Female laying into a grass stem.
Taking up minerals (probably a male).
Taking up minerals (probably a male).
The rufous-coloured forward-pointing face of the antennae says this is a roosting Small Skipper and not an Essex Skipper
The rufous-coloured forward-pointing face of the antennae says this is a roosting Small Skipper and not an Essex Skipper

Red List status: Least Concern
NERC Act S41: Not listed
Local status: Locally common though may be declining.
Found in colonies all over county in suitable habitat
Size: Small.
Larval foodplant: Yorkshire fog preferred, but other grasses used too
No. of broods: One
Flight time(s): Mid June to mid August
Average first date: 15th June
Average last date: 24th August
Winter: Larva hibernates immediately after hatching. Only starts to feed in the spring
Habits: Males perch or patrol for females.
Females are more secretive.
Both sexes feed on wide range of nectar sources.
Perches with forewings half-closed.
Flies as a high-speed orange blur.
Habitats: Unimproved grassland,
woodland rides,
brown-field sites,
road verges,
field margins