Painted Lady Vanessa cardui

Upperside. Sexes appear simlilar.
Upperside. Sexes appear simlilar.
The egg is laid singly on upper surface of leaf.
The egg is laid singly on upper surface of leaf.
Larva lives inside silken tent. Here it is looking for fresh leaves to sew together. Looks very similar to a Red Admiral larva.
Larva lives inside silken tent. Here it is looking for fresh leaves to sew together. Looks very similar to a Red Admiral larva.
A freshly formed pupa.
A freshly formed pupa.
The same pupa the night before it emerged.
The same pupa the night before it emerged.

Red List status: Least Concern
NERC Act S41: Not listed
Local status: A migrant, arriving directly from North Africa and the Middle East. Continental offspring may arrive later. Numbers vary each year. In 2009 large numbers passed through Bedfordshire on their way north.
It breeds here but does not overwinter.
Size: Large.
Larval foodplant: Mainly Thistles, but Common Nettle, Mallows and Viper's-bugloss may also be used.
No. of broods: Continuously brooded in North Africa and the Middle East. One or more broods occur here. (Home-bred individuals can fly in as little as a month from being an egg).
Flight time(s): Immigrants begin to arrive early May and may occur throughout the summer. Home-bred broods fly in July and August when numbers peak.
Average first date: 5th May
Average last date: 18th October
Winter: Emigration occurs in the autumn, but at a high altitude so not witnessed. Few, if any, survive in any life-stage in the UK.
Habits: Fast and powerful fliers. Adults feed voraciously on many nectar sources.
Habitats: Anywhere nectar and larval foodplants may be found.