Clouded Yellow Colias croceus

Female. (The holes in the dark band showing through the forewing distinguish the sexes)
Female. (The holes in the dark band showing through the forewing distinguish the sexes)
A <i>helice</i> variant.
A helice variant.
A <i>helice</i> variant
A helice variant
The hind wing discal spot acts like a
The hind wing discal spot acts like a "fingerprint"...
... allowing individuals to be distinguished
... allowing individuals to be distinguished

Red List status: Least Concern
NERC Act S41: Not listed
Local status: A migrant.
It breeds here, but does not over-winter.
'Clouded Yellow Years' occur when large numbers of migrants arrive.
Size: Medium.
Larval foodplant: Legumes such as Clover, Lucerne and Common Bird's-foot-trefoil.
No. of broods: One or two in the UK.
Flight time(s): Typically seen June to October.
Average first date: 30th June
Average last date: 9th October
Winter: Continuously brooded in North Africa and southern Europe.
UK-born individuals can emigrate in the autumn.
Habits: A strong and fast flier.
Only flies in sunshine.
Restless, only feeding briefly before moving on, making photography a challenge.
Never rests with wings open.
About 10% of females are the pale form known as helice which may be between white and lemon yellow. This form may be confused with two other species, Pale Clouded Yellow and Berger's Clouded Yellow, but the black borders on the upper-surface are much bolder in helice than these other two species which are also much rarer.
Habitats: May occur anywhere but prefers chalk downlands and clover fields.