Purple Emperor Apatura iris

Male taking up minerals
Male taking up minerals
A very tatty female
A very tatty female
Male taking minerals from dog muck
Male taking minerals from dog muck
Underside of the same tatty female
Underside of the same tatty female
A quick flight high around the canopy. A quick glimpse like this is often all you see!
A quick flight high around the canopy. A quick glimpse like this is often all you see!
Head view of the female. Note the yellow eyes and proboscis
Head view of the female. Note the yellow eyes and proboscis

Red List status: Least Concern
NERC Act S41: Not listed
Local status: Has recently become resident in a small number of woodlands. Populations are just establishing and new locations are occasionally found.
Size: Large.
Larval foodplant: Goat Willow, Grey Willow, Crack-willow
No. of broods: One
Flight time(s): Late June to early August
Average first date: 1st July
Average last date: 31st July
Winter: Small larva. Resumes feeding on new leaves in spring
Habits: Sometimes seen taking minerals from the ground or dog muck, most frequently during the first half of the flight period. Adults often gather in the afternoons on tree tops in the highest part of the wood. This is a good place to look for them. Eggs are laid in the middle of the day on shady foodplants.
Habitats: Large blocks of broadleaved woodland or clusters of smaller woods and/or dense scrub where the foodplants are abundant