Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta

Upperside. Sexes appear similar.
Upperside. Sexes appear similar.
Solitary egg, perched on tip of a nettle plant.
Solitary egg, perched on tip of a nettle plant.
Egg nearly ready to hatch
Egg nearly ready to hatch
Larva moving to a new leaf.
Larva moving to a new leaf.
Larva feeding inside a tent made from sewn together leaves.
Larva feeding inside a tent made from sewn together leaves.
Pupa inside a tent of a folded leaf.
Pupa inside a tent of a folded leaf.
Pupa revealed. This hatched 43 days after the egg was laid.
Pupa revealed. This hatched 43 days after the egg was laid.

Red List status: Least Concern
NERC Act S41: Not listed
Local status: Primarily a migrant, arriving from North Africa, the Continent or Scandanavia during spring and summer. Numbers vary each year.
It breeds here, and a few do over-winter here, surviving through to the spring.
Size: Large.
Larval foodplant: Common Nettle
No. of broods: Certainly one here, possibly more, but hard to say due to continuous immigration.
Flight time(s): Migrants begin to arrive around May and can continue to arrive throughout summer. Individuals bred from immigrants begin flying from about early July. (Egg to adult takes only 6 weeks).
Average first date: 27th January
Average last date: 14th December
Winter: Some emigrate in autumn, a few over-winter here and others die. A few may survive in any of the life stages. During mild winters over-wintering adults may be seen flying on warm days.
Habits: Ivy flowers are a favourite in the autumn. Quite difficult to approach. Larvae are solitary and live in a distinctive tent formed from folded nettle leaves.
Habitats: Anywhere nectar or nettles can be found.