Orange-tip Anthocharis cardamines britannica

Male. Unmistakeable. No other butterfly has orange wing-tips. This one is caught in a spring shower - the raindrops frozen by the flash.
Male. Unmistakeable. No other butterfly has orange wing-tips. This one is caught in a spring shower - the raindrops frozen by the flash.
Female. Can be confused with other whites.
Female. Can be confused with other whites.
Green-patterned underside aids camouflage.
Green-patterned underside aids camouflage.
Male on Cow Parlsey showing effect of camouflage
Male on Cow Parlsey showing effect of camouflage
Newly-laid egg is white.
Newly-laid egg is white.
Egg matures to a deep orange.
Egg matures to a deep orange.
Empty eggshell, half eaten by newly emerged larva. The egg hatches about a week after being laid.
Empty eggshell, half eaten by newly emerged larva. The egg hatches about a week after being laid.
The first tiny instar (1mm long) grazing on a developing garlic mustard seedpod.
The first tiny instar (1mm long) grazing on a developing garlic mustard seedpod.
A later instar. Colour has changed to a counter-shaded green. When lit from above in the        wild the lighter underside is in shadow and the whole larva appears flatter and less obvious to predators.
A later instar. Colour has changed to a counter-shaded green. When lit from above in the wild the lighter underside is in shadow and the whole larva appears flatter and less obvious to predators.
The larva beginning to transform into a pupa.
The larva beginning to transform into a pupa.
Transformation complete. This pupa was formed only 20 days after the egg was found.
Transformation complete. This pupa was formed only 20 days after the egg was found.

Red List status: Least Concern
NERC Act S41: Not listed
Local status: Common.
Distributed over whole county.
Size: Medium.
Larval foodplant: Garlic Mustard and Cuckoo-flower are preferred.
No. of broods: Usually one.
Flight time(s): Early April to late June.
A rare partial second brood can occur in July or August.
Average first date: 31st March
Average last date: 28th June
Winter: Pupa
Habits: Males emerge about a week before females.
Tucks forewing under hindwing when resting and is well camouflaged when resting on umbellifers like Cow Parsley.
Habitats: May occur anywhere, but prefers damp grassy habitats such as meadows, woodland ride and road verges.