Small Copper Lycaena phlaeas phlaeas

Male (probably)
Male (probably)
Female (probably). This one shows faint blue spots of the form <i>caeruleopunctata</i>.
Female (probably). This one shows faint blue spots of the form caeruleopunctata.
Markings are very variable in this species.
Markings are very variable in this species.
A photogenic species.
A photogenic species.
Female depositing an egg on sorrel.
Female depositing an egg on sorrel.
Egg, dimpled like a golf ball
Egg, dimpled like a golf ball
Larva, about two weeks old, 8mm long.
Larva, about two weeks old, 8mm long.
Larva, three weeks old, 12mm long.
Larva, three weeks old, 12mm long.
Tell-tale windows in Dock caused by larva eating away the lower layers.
Tell-tale windows in Dock caused by larva eating away the lower layers.

Red List status: Least Concern
NERC Act S41: Not listed
Local status: Colonies are widespread, but usually contain only small numbers. In hot sunny years numbers and distribution increase. The reverse occurs in cold wet years.
Size: Small.
Larval foodplant: Sheep's Sorrel, Common Sorrel and Broad-leaved Dock.
No. of broods: Three, possibly four in warm years.
Flight time(s): Late April to Mid June. Late June to late October. Flight-time chart suggests two overlapping broods during this latter period.
Average first date: 27th April
Average last date: 31st October
Winter: Larva
Habits: Territorial males perch on or near ground and chase anything that enters its air-space.
Habitats: Brown-field sites, downland, unimproved grassland, heathland, road verges, track edges, woodland rides.
Distribution: 1990-2023