Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus malvae

Upperside. (Sexes appear similar)
Upperside. (Sexes appear similar)
The species is said to have a preference for blue flowers
The species is said to have a preference for blue flowers
They may mate with open wings
They may mate with open wings
Roosting on a seed head
Roosting on a seed head
Egg on underside of agrimony leaf
Egg on underside of agrimony leaf

Red List status: Vulnerable
NERC Act S41: Species of Principal Importance
Local status: Uncommon and local, though possibly increasing its range and abundance.
Lives in small colonies that are vulnerable to extinction.
Size: Small.
Larval foodplant: Creeping cinquefoil is the usual foodplant. May use Agrimony and Wild Strawberry. The later larval stages may also use Bramble.
No. of broods: Usually one. A partial second brood may occur in late July/early August.
Flight time(s): Late April to Mid June
Average first date: 23rd April
Average last date: 24th June
Winter: Pupa at the base of the foodplant.
Habits: Basks on or near bare ground to warm up.
Flies only in sunshine, when it appears as a low-level blur.
Males will perch, defending a territory.
Roosts on seed heads making surveying during poor weather a possibility
May roost communally.
Habitats: A combination of bare ground, short turf, taller vegetation and nearby scrub.
Found at brownfield sites,
unimproved grasslands with scrub,
track and lane verges.